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About Us

The Sheffield Children’s Centre is an award winning provision and one of Britain’s Early Excellence Centres. It is also a trail blazer for several Government initiatives. The Centre has been operational for over 28 years and has been developed within the Sharrow Area of Sheffield to provide access to a range of support for children, young people and families. This includes opportunities for all Children and young people from pre- birth to 19 years old. 

Our Children’s Centre is an award winning Community Cooperative that has been operational nor three decades. The Children’s Centre therefore has a long history of being an award winning provision and was also selected as one of Britain’s Early Excellence Centres by Central Government for its high quality, innovative and inclusive services. The Centre is a warm, friendly, stimulating, fun and inviting provision. It is rights based, equality promoting service and promotes respect and acceptance of diversity as well as fostering common citizenship and community cohesion. The Centre is a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic provision with a mixed gender staffing group.

The Centre works in partnership with many professional agencies to provide a flexible range of options for supporting children, young people and their families within their own community and that of the Sheffield wide community...

Through Children’s Centre we are creating new opportunities for children, young people and their families and the Children’s Centre has become a real hub and mainstay for the community with lasting benefits for years to come. We hope you will find an opportunity that meets your needs, and that the support that is available benefits every child and young person attending, your family and the community.

We very much look forward to you and your family be coming part of the Sheffield Children’s Centre family

Connections and friendships once made are frequently long-lasting and many lead on to children as they grow and parents/carers becoming involved in the Centre as workers. Nearly 80% of the staff here at Sheffield Children’s Centre began their connections with the centre as service users.

We welcome many visitors to the Centre each year and these come to us from all parts of the UK and around the world. We are proud of our reputation for leading visionary practice.  We consistently work to develop what we do and how we work to improve outcomes for children, young people and families, and to meet the changing needs of the community. The Centre is a multi-ethnic, mixed gender and inclusive environment and has pioneered initiatives and ways of working that have then been mainstreamed by Central Government in this regard. 

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Sheffield Children's Centre
Shoreham Street
Sheffield S1 4SR


Telephone: (0114) 279 8236

                        (0114)  275 7935

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