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Sheffield Children’s Centre Early Years Wing

The Centre has 53 full time places. It is a community provision, a Charity in Law, an Industrial and Provident Society and a registered Company. It is a not for profit organization that   is open from 7am – 6:30pm, Monday to Friday for 52 of the year. It is run by highly qualified, committed, equality promoting and experienced staff team who are reflective of the diverse communities that make up the rich tapestry of Sheffield. Our multicultural experiences are not limited to a celebration of holidays or festivals but permeate the whole EYFS, the play programmes and life of the Centre.

The Centre has distinct spaces for babies and toddlers, 2-5 year olds, an out of school unit, family support areas, a Child Contact unit, and community space and office accommodation along with outdoor play facilities.

We provide plenty of space and time indoors and outdoors for children and young people of all ages to explore and develop their skills, aesthetic expression through a Varity of art media in the various Centre areas. We are of the firm belief that learning should be fun and our opportunities for learning extends to regular visits out of the Centre to places of interests such as Art Galleries, Heeley City Farm, Kelham Island, Forests which extends the  play and learning environment for the children and young people also.

At Sheffield Children’s Centre, the principles that each child is a competent learner from birth, and those children learn and develop in different ways, are taken into account. A stimulating play-based development and learning programme is offered, to support age-appropriate development and learning and encourage creativity and critical thinking. It is recognised that children learn best through physical and mental challenges, and through active learning involving other people, objects, ideas and events that engage them for sustained periods, so that children are stretched through experiences which are challenging but achievable.

To support this learning, children are observed and assessed, and adults facilitate a continuous learning environment through child initiated activities and as required adult supported in the following six areas:

  • Communication & Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social & Emotional Development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts & Design

These areas correspond with those outlined in the Practice Guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage. Each of these areas are described in separate policy documents, although all are connected to each other and are equally important. 

At Sheffield Children’s Centre effective practice is based on an awareness that each child is unique with multiple identities and requirements as well as an understanding of how young children play, learn and develop.

Our Gallery


Sheffield Children's Centre
Shoreham Street
Sheffield S1 4SR


Telephone: (0114) 279 8236

                        (0114)  275 7935

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